Welcome to PlantWizard.com!
This site is a web based database application serving the forest industry. This system allows foresters, seedling nurseries, and planting contractors to share data related to the seed and seedlings being grown shipped and transplanted into plantation forests.
Plantwizard.com can easily track seed and seedling inventories as they are bought and sold and shipped to different locations. With Plant Wizard you will always know who owns what in any location. This effectively eliminates cumbersome double entry of data between you and your customers and minimizes communication needed to see the successful completion of a reforestation project.
Key Features:
Robust the data is managed on a Microsoft SQL Server with a highly efficient user interface.
Interactive - you and your clients can participate in managing common inventories, reducing data entry for you and your customers.
Web based no software to install or upgrade.
Data exchange data from the server can be imported and used in other database applications including handheld devices.
Easy simple web based interface requires little or no training.
Private your data is only accessible by you and your selected customers.
Professional support and documentation were here for you and your customers.
Popularity currently managing over 300 million seedlings annually across North America.
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